With all the unseasonable nice weather we have been having in Montana where I live, I can’t help but think of planning my outdoor landscape for this coming year even though it’s January!
According to a study by Michigan State University, for every $1 invested in landscaping, property owners will see a 109% return. A tree in front of a house increases the home’s value by an average of $7,130, so it’s not only a quick way to increase property value but will provide long-term benefits in the beautification of a home. Additionally, landscaping can lower energy costs, improve business and sales, and create positive perceptions for areas. With homes in high demand right now in our area and more people wanting to move to Montana, landscaping makes a sale even faster. Who doesn’t love to see a beautiful flowering tree in the spring. They are so calming to look and sit under! See some beautiful choices on the site below.
Here is a great blog that you can get some ideas from. Please plan to support local business as much as you can this coming year! Order ahead of time to ensure that you will have the product you want for your landscaping. Some of the local nurseries are only stocking trees that are pre-ordered so its actually a very good time to plan for your tree planting needs. And by pre-ordering, you will be sure to get the variety of trees that are best for the plant hardiness zone that you live in.